



... 這個春天,新冠肆虐,時尚同仁,共克時艱!2020年5月1日-7日,以「重構•逆行者的2020」為主題的AW20中國國際時裝周將全新開啟! 本季時裝周,組委會將攜手全聯房地產商會商業地產工作委員會,國內多家影響力商圈及751D·PARK北京時尚設計廣場、北京坊、寺庫等合作夥伴,通過線上線下融合,圍繞潮流與消費,與品牌、設計師和商家共同探索可持續發展的商業模式,為廣大消費者打造一個高品質的潮流生活體驗。 ... 中國國際時裝周將獨家聯合奢侈品電商平臺寺庫線上直播大秀,雙方基於各自合作的時尚品牌、設計師和IP創意生態集散地,匯聚全球百餘設計師品牌和奢侈品牌,打造精美獨特的AW20秀場直播與銷售直播,同時舉辦線上時尚展會、藝術家跨界合作,以及系列主題活動,為寺庫高端用戶提供即看即買的互動式尊貴購物體驗。 此外,雙方還將共同舉辦「中國國際時尚論壇」,以雙方深厚的業內影響力,聯合行業影響力人物,聚焦當下最熱時尚話題,碰撞思維火花,發聲前沿。 ... 中國國際時裝周將在時尚與歷史完美交融的北京坊,圍繞經典建築群,聚焦國際一線具有不同屬性的IP地標,打造多個風格獨特的時尚秀場。 在具有百年歷史勸業場,在全球最大星巴克臻選旗艦店、在最美24小時書店PAGEONE,獨具特色精緻的發布場地為設計師提供更多個性選擇! ... ... 北京坊勸業場 ... ... 全球最大星巴克臻選旗艦店 ... GIF ... 最美24小時書店PAGEONE ... ... 作為中國國際時裝周備受關注的童裝板塊,飛鶴奶粉·童話小鎮此次將以更加新穎的形式,通過線上線下融合,呈現全新童裝大秀,為孩子們打造一個充滿魔力與歡樂的「夢幻樂園」。在這裡,你將感受到一個陽光、多彩,充滿童趣的兒童世界。 本季時裝周中國飛鶴將繼續聯手童話小鎮,以拳拳之心呵護中國寶寶健康成長,凸顯國牌精神,弘揚中國本土流行文化;打造匠心品質,成為「新國貨」崛起的閃亮特質,與中國國際時裝周一直以來秉持的理念完美契合。 ... ... 潮流中國是中國國際時裝周全力打造,集合潮流發布、藝術展覽、互動娛樂、跨界玩法、專業交流等多功能為一體的大型線上線下嘉年華。這是一種更新潮、前沿生活方式的積極創造,更是一次對於國內外潮流資源與多元藝術文化的深度整合與全新升級! 此次活動將由UCCA Lab與APPortfolio聯合呈現,包括特別版藝術米奇×中外藝術家潮玩藝術跨界、中航文化-SKYKlTS國潮正式啟動、日本頂級潮牌RVG×STM聯合中國頂級潮流綜藝重磅聯名產品官方首發、PALACE附屬品牌Lab參加潮流中國、合作夥伴北京尤倫斯藝術基金會啟動UCCA×潮流中國×潮藝當代專項慈善基金、太空主題潮玩Robbi×潮流中國聯名首發等系列熱點潮流內容! ... ... GIF 「城市之光」時尚名城造星計劃是中國服裝設計師協會藉助中國國際時裝周平臺,聯動地方行業機構、行業組織,以及產業集群、產業聚集區進行的深入合作,發掘代表城市的優秀青年設計師,以此帶動地方資源,用時尚的力量,展示城市的氣質。 本季將繼續以城市為單位,全力支持新銳設計師發展,「挖掘」時尚行業新的城市代言人,進一步加快中國時尚產業打造地標性時尚都市的步伐。 ... 作為國內含金量最高的國際青年設計師大賽,「漢帛獎」本屆將與快手短視頻共同推出「雲端漢帛獎」',在評選「漢帛獎」第28屆中國國際青年設計師作品大賽「網絡人氣獎」的同時,亦邀請大眾共同參與舊衣大改造。 ... 山川異域,風月同天。TORAY東麗集團與中國國際時裝周擁有長達十餘年的友誼,持續為設計師提供尖端面料支持。此次,東麗將與時裝周共同推動產業綠色可持續發展,支持時尚行業快速恢復,亦將為設計師品牌的研發提供有效解決方案。 1分鐘了解東麗集團可持續性發展願景 疫情給時尚業的發展帶來巨大影響。 挑戰即機會!重構即應戰!蛻變即成功! 中國國際時裝周始終致力於推動設計與品牌的成長,2020年,讓我們一起攜手同行! AW20 China Fashion Week Presents!New Season’s Fashion Release Application is in Full Swing! In this spring, pandemic is severe,and fashion colleagues, let’s joint response to challenges! From May 1st to 7th, 2020, with the theme of "Reconstruction • Countermarching People's 2020", AW20 China Fashion Week is about to start with a brand-new form! In this season, we are going to cooperate with the Commercial Real Estate Working Committee of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, numerous national influential business districts and partners such as Beijing Fun and Secoo, etc. to create a high-quality trendy life experience for consumers via online and offline integration, focusing on trends and consumption, to explore sustainable development business models with brands, designers and merchants. Collaborate with the authoritative commercial real estate industry organization to shape a new ecology of fashion consumption China Fashion Week is always committed to the growth and development of designers. As the co-host of the China Fashion Week this season, the Commercial Real Estate Working Committee of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce will link major nationwide fashion business districts to provide designers with in-depth online and offline business solutions, assist designers in surviving the current difficulties and seizing the chance to win better development opportunities! Join hands with Secoo to open a new online cooperation model China Fashion Week will exclusively cooperate with luxury e-commerce platform Secoo to hold on-line live streaming fashion shows. Based on respective fashion brands, designers and IP creative ecological distribution centers, the two parties will gather hundreds of designer and luxury brands worldwide to create exquisite and unique AW20 fashion shows and sales live streaming, while by holding online fashion exhibitions, artist cross-over cooperation, and a series of themed activities, to provide high-end users of Secoo an interactive 「see-now-buy-now」 distinguished shopping experience. In addition, by virtue of two sides』 deep industry influence and union of industry influencers, the 'China Fashion Forum' will be jointly hosted by two sides to focus on the hottest fashion topics at the moment, collide with sparks of thinking, and make cutting-edge voices. Join hands with Beijing Fun to create the trendiest show venue in Beijing China Fashion Week is going to cooperate with Beijing Fun, a perfect blend of fashion and history, to create four unique fashion show venues around classic buildings and focus on international front-line IP landmarks with different attributes. In the century-old Quan Yechang, the largest global selection flagship store of Starbucks and the most beautiful 24-hour bookstore PAGEONE, the unique and exquisite release venues will provide designers with more personalized choices! China Feihe·Fashion Kidswear, leads children to sail happily and presents a brand-new 「fantasy land」 As a high-profile kidswear section of China Fashion Week, China Feihe·Fashion kidswear will present a brand-new kidswear show with a more innovative form through online and offline integration to create a magic and joyful 「fantasy land」 for children. Here, you will experience a sunny, colorful and childlike world. This season, China Feihe will continue to join hands with Fashion Kidswear to protect the healthy growth of Chinese babies, highlight the spirit of national brands, and promote Chinese local popular culture; to create ingenious qualities and become the shining trait of the rise of "new domestic products", which perfectly fits the core value of China Fashion Week. Brand-new module -- Trend China, to create a new height of Chinese trend culture Trend China is a large-scale online and offline carnival that is fully created by China Fashion Week, which integrates domestic and international front-line trend resources, including trend release, art exhibition, interactive entertainment, crossover, and professional communication, etc,. This is an active creation of a more trendy and cutting-edge lifestyle, and it is a deep integration and new upgrade of domestic and international trend resources and diverse art culture! This event will be jointly presented by UCCA Lab and APPortfolio, including Special Edition Art Mickey × Chinese and Foreign Artists Cross-Border Exhibition, AVIC culture - SKYKlTS Chinese fashion official launching, Japan's top trendy brand RVG×STM with Chinese top trendy variety blockbuster co-branded products official debut, PALACE sub-label Lab in Trend China, UCCA×Trend China×Trend & Art Contemporary Special Charity Fund launching by the event partner Beijing Ullens Art Foundation, space themed toy Robbi × Trendy China co-branded debut and other hot topics of Fashion! 「City Fashion Engine」 star plan for fashion renowned cities, takes 「designers」 as business cards to promote new development of cities』 fashion industries By virtue of China Fashion Week, 「City Fashion Engine」 star plan for fashion renowned cities is a project that the China Fashion Association unites local industry organizations, industry clusters and accumulation centers for in-deep cooperation, to explore outstanding young designers who can represent cities, drive local resources, present the temperament of cities by using of the strength of fashion. This season, continuously based on cities, we will still provide full support to the development of emerging designers, explore cities』 spokesmen of fashion industry, further speed up forging landmark fashion cities of Chinese fashion industry. Premier business partners jointly make voice for the splendor of China Fashion Week As the most renowned international young designers competition, the 「Hempel Award」 is going to launch the 「Cloud Hempel Award」 together with the Kuaishou short video app in this edition. While selecting the "Internet Popularity Award" of Hempel Award·the 28th China International Young Designers Competition, the public is also invited to participate in the renovation of old clothes project. Though separated by mountains and rivers, we share one moon under the same sky. Toray has a friendship with China Fashion Week for more than a decade and continues to provide designers with cutting-edge fabric support. This time, Toray will work with China Fashion Week to promote industrial green and sustainable development, support the rapid recovery of the fashion industry, and will also provide effective solutions for the research and development of designer brands. The epidemic has had a huge impact on the development of the fashion industry. Challenge is opportunity! Reconstitution is fight! Transformation is success! China Fashion Week is always committed to the growth and development of Chinese designers. In 2020, please go along with us with joint hands!







  • ISBN:9578221800
  • 規格:平裝 / 320頁 / 15 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >









每日頭條 https://kknews.cc/fashion/8k4kz24.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010193410




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